Number of wards I have data from, by week | |
Since Fegbruary 16th | |
date | wards |
February 16 | 553 |
The Third Batch of New Hymns!
On February 13th, 2025, the church released the third batch of new hymns. In previous posts, I have covered in detail as much as I could about the first and second batches of hymns and how they were incorporated into sacrament meetings. This page covers period since when the third batch came out. I’ll update this page weekly as I collect more data. Currently I have data from 9,403 sacrament meetings from 1,431 wards since February 16th.
But first, here’s how much data I have for each week so far, just so you have an idea of what I’m working with.
How many wards sang new hymns each week?
What hymns are most popular?
The following table shows the hymns from the third batch in order of how popular they are. On the right, I have an approximation of how many wards have sung that hymn since its release.
Approximate percentage of wards new hymns have been sung in | |
Since February 16 | |
Hymn | percent of wards |
Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling (1020) | 0.5% |
This Little Light of Mine (1028) | 0.4% |
I Know That the Savior Loves Me (1021) | 0.2% |
Faith in Every Footstep (1022) | 0.2% |
Standing on the Promises (1023) | 0.2% |
Were You There? (1206) | 0.2% |
To Love Like Thee (1019) | 0% |
I Have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (1024) | 0% |
Take My Heart and Let It Be Consecrated (1025) | 0% |
Holy Places (1026) | 0% |
Welcome Home (1027) | 0% |
I Can’t Count Them All (1029) | 0% |
Close as a Quiet Prayer (1030) | 0% |
Come, Hear the Word the Lord Has Spoken (1031) | 0% |
Let Easter Anthems Ring (1205) | 0% |
(For a complete version of this table that includes all hymns, see here.)
There’s not much to be said so far about the third batch because it’s only been one week and because so few wards sang from it this Sunday. Presumably, the hymns for most sacrament meetings were set and music coordinators and ward leaders didn’t want to change things last minute. Over the next couple of weeks though, I suspect we’ll see a major rise in the number of wards singing from this third batch of hymns.